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Where the future is

Writer's picture: Shanyron BellShanyron Bell

This is a highly subjective topic based on personal opinion, However this will outline my main investing focus area for the next 20-40 years as well as the reasoning behind this.

In my opinion the next big thing with the potential to change society and humanity is CRISPR Gene editing and biotech companies.

Benjamin Graham in his book the intelligent investor says "It has been the prevalent view that the art of successful investors lies first in choice of those industries which are most likely to grow in the future and then identifying the most promising companies in these industries."

When I first read this I had a thought, What is the most promising industry that I know of right now ? That would be CRISPR Biotech. Never before has humanity had the ability to so precisely and cheaply the genome of an organism.

Alot of progress has been made in the industry silently, in the background, Behind all the crisis's and breaking news stories, Behind all the attention grabbing headlines and Instagram stories scientist have been working to understand and effectively apply a new too to help people edit their genomes.

What this means is that potentially in our live times we could eliminate all genetic diseases (And maybe all diseases and biological diseases for good).

But this potentially is just the tip of the iceberg, any life threating disease any and all forms of cancer, sickle cell disease, AIDS/HIV, Blindness, Cystic fibrosis and much mor

There's more than just curing diseases to, What about making people physically stronger ? more immune to bacteria, Have a greater capacity to retain information and data ? It could be something as simple as eye colour, Want blue eyes, or hazel or white ?

All of this is in reach of this is potentially within the reach of crispr not to mention the potential increase of the human lifespan.

When you consider and understand the potentialities of this technology its hard not to be excited about it and see how CRISPR biotech could be the next trillion dollar industry within this century.

However an important caveat is this, With any new technology there is a potential that it will fall flat and not be as effective or progress as quickly as people hope. We only have to look at the history of nuclear fusion energy to illustrate this point.

Nuclear fusion energy was discovered in the 1930s and it promised to produce free and clean energy for everyone. Since the mid 1900s nuclear fusion has just been a breakthrough away, however as of this writing, these promises have not yet materialised.

Alot of good work has been done in the field and progress is being made but almost 100 years of constant work and progress has not produced the desired results. This could be how CRISPR turns out. Thats one of the big long term risks when it comes to investing in this or any new promising industry. The potential that it might not go anywhere.

However based on the current events happening in the industry such as the UK approving c for a cure for sickle cell disease based on CRISPR I believe that the best time to get into the industry is right now.

In 2022 the market cap for all CRISPR companies was estimated to be at around $2B and expected to reach $15B by 2031. I personally believe that this is an underestimation of their value. in 2024 the top 3 companies in this field already have a market cap of $10B. At this rate we should hit the $15B Market Cap by the end of 2027 if not sooner and by 2030 we could see the market cap for CRISPR biotech companies at anywhere between $35B-$100B and by 2050 we could see the market cap for these companies reach $1T.

In my opinion CRISPR is where the future is.

As always an individual should conduct their own research and come to his or her own conclusions. I hope this entry points out a potential investment area for you.

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